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The new U.S. Patent and Trademark Office trademark fee schedule eliminates the TEAS Plus discount for new trademark applications. The USPTO instead set a fee of $350 per class of goods and services for filing any new "Base Application" including all required components. Further, the USPTO imposes a new $100 insufficiency fee for failure to include any of the required components of the "Base Application."

Make sure to file a complete Base Application in order to minimize new trademark application filing fees and avoid unnecessary government fees and expense, and the time and effort required to file follow-on responses to a notice of insufficiency. Consider the following list to ensure your Base Application is complete:

  • For applicants domiciled outside of the United States: a designated U.S. attorney, including the attorney’s name, postal address, email address, and bar information

  • Applicant name and domicile address

  • Applicant legal entity

  • Applicant citizenship or the state/country of juristic applicant organization

  • Names and citizenship of general partners of partnership or joint venture

  • State of organization of sole proprietorship and the name and citizenship of the sole proprietor

  • A statement of filing basis (1(a), 1(b), 44(d), and/or 44(e))

  • Proper classification and dates of use for use-based multi-class applications

  • Filing fee for each class of goods and services

  • Verified statement, dated and signed by an authorized representative of applicant

  • Typed drawing of mark for standard word marks

  • Digitized image and a description of the mark for design or stylized marks

  • Digitized color image application claiming color along with statement identifying and describing placement of color and a claim that color is a feature

  • English translation of the wording for any non-English wording

  • Transliteration of any non-Latin characters

  • If the mark includes an individual’s name or likeness, one of a (1) a statement of consent or (2) a statement that the name or likeness does not identify a living individual

  • A claim of ownership of any other registrations for the same mark with a different prior owner name

  • Compliance with Trademark Rule 2.42 for concurrent use applications

  • Correct identification and selection of goods and services from the USPTO’s Identification of Goods and Services Manual

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