The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office published trademark fee adjustments effective January 18, 2025. The adjusted fee schedule is available here: USPTO fee schedule | USPTO.
For example, the new 2025 USPTO trademark fee schedule includes:
Elimination of TEAS Plus discount for new trademark application
New "Base Application" fee of $350 per class of goods or services
New insufficiency fee of $100 for failure to satisfy Base Application requirements
New surcharge for free-form entry of identification of goods and services of $200 per class, per 1000 words
Increased maintenance fees for Sections 8 or 71 Declarations of Continued Use ($325); Section 15 Declarations of Incontestability ($250); and Section 9 Renewal Declarations ($325)
Increased filing fees for in-bound Section 66(a) Madrid filings of $600 per class (effective February 15, 2025)
Increased fees for Letters of Protest ($150) and Petitions to Director ($400) and Petitions to Revive ($250)