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Our skilled trademark attorneys have extensive experience working with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office to obtain federal trademark registrations, and litigating trademark rights. Let us help you prepare a thoughtfully crafted trademark application with carefully considered identification of goods or services that can provide the basis for a valuable business asset.


Whether you need to maintain an existing trademark or bring an already filed trademark application to registration, our trademark attorneys are happy to assist. Our office location in Washington, D.C. is convenient for attorney access to the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and U.S. federal courts. Our high efficiency modern law firm business model enables cost savings for clients.


Protect your logo, word or phrase, slogan or tagline, sound or song, color, scent, or trade dress with federal trademark registration to strengthen and enhance your trademark rights. Submit our Online Trademark Registration Form or contact our trademark attorneys today to discuss trademark registration or trademark enforcement.



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